poster / vilato / galerie 65


Javier Vilató was born Barcelona in 1921. In 1939, after the Spanish Civil War, he moves to Paris finding himself in refugee camp in Argelés. His uncle Pablo Picasso manages to free him and he settles in Paris.
With a grant from the French government, Javier Vilató settles definitely in Paris in 1946, and becomes a member of the Parisian artistic scene
In the 50s Vilató starts working on engravings - over the years will be as important as painting.
During the fifties and sixties, he exhibits in Genève, London, Torino, Paris and the Spanish Museum of Contemporary art.
During the seventies and eightieshis work is shown in Switzerland, Mexico, France, Spain, Italy, England…
In 2000, Javier Vilató dies in Paris.In 2012, the city of Barcelona pays homage to him with the exhibition “Viató (1921-2000) Barcelona-Paris the road to freedom

poster for an exhibition of his work at galerie 65 cannes.

image: 665 x 440mm

lithograph on stock - in very good condition with minor handling marks -
vibrant colour
please read 'posters' to be found in the site menu

* as with all the prints on the website: please call if you require any further information or clarification - details are in the 'how to buy' section found on the 'home' page - please call or email

my details are:
geoffrey powell
122 grove lane
london SE5 8BP
(viewing by appointment only)
t: +44 0 7713399961
e: gp@twentiethcenturyprints